Violence against women and girls is a major cause of death, poor health and disability around the world. It also stops women and girls from escaping poverty. It limits their control over their own bodies. It holds them back from school, from work, from community life.
In many countries, women and girls can't access justice. They may not know they have the right to live free of violence. Violence and early or forced marriage are accepted ways of life, and men hold power over women.
Every woman should be able to live free from violence, regardless of her age, race, social or economic status. Today, that right is rarely within grasp for a woman living in poverty.
What is Oxfam Doing?
We are supporting organizations who are working to change the social norms and cultural practices that give men power over women, while also empowering women to prevent and overcome violence in their lives. We work with everyone in communities - women, men, authorities, teachers, religious leaders - to build a safe and just world where women and girls are in control of their lives and live free from violence.
social services, medical assistance, counselling, job and skills training, and legal aid.
leadership, engagement and rights among women and girls, while also involving men and boys.
how people, families, communities and institutions think about violence.