What She Makes

is keeping her in poverty


Together, we're tackling extreme inequality in the Canadian fashion industry.

Stand with the women who make our clothes, so they don't have to choose between rent and food each month. Together, we're exposing the truth behind the clothes sold in Canada — the women who make our clothes, no matter how hard they work, are trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Help us hold brands accountable, push for change and end the exploitation of the women who make our clothes.

Sign Oxfam's pledge to demand Canadian fashion brands pay a living wage now.


Sign The Pledge


The women who make our clothes work their entire lives to earn what top fashion CEOs make in just four days. Canadian clothing brands profit by keeping women in poverty.

Let brands know that you care about #WhatSheMakes.


Step Into Her Shoes

"In a month, say, one kilogram of eggplant costs [$0.77- $0.93 CAD]. What curry items will I buy and what will I eat? My salary is low. What will I eat and how will I make my son get an education? This is why, we have hardship, our life is miserable. With this money, a family cannot be run."

— Rita, works at a garment factory 6-7 days a week, sometimes 14-15 hours a day. She makes $96-$124 CAD monthly, with overtime pay, and rents a small room, 2.5 metres by 2.5 metres in a communal compound.

"We are rationing our food, and I only cook once a day and we eat small meals, but how little can three fully grown people eat? I shudder to think of the future. We have to pay rent in a couple of days – [$47 CAD] –and [$23 CAD] for my daughter’s school. We’ll have no money left after that. We’ve been going to the factory every day—we stand outside the gates to plead our case, but there’s no one to listen. Is anybody even thinking about us?"

— Hara, worked at Sigma Fashions Ltd before factory layoffs due to brands cancelling orders as a result of COVID-19 – May 2020

"[The factory] arranged big drums to wash our hands before we enter, and on the microphone, they make announcements asking us to wear masks and gloves. But we can’t work wearing gloves. My coworker is a foot away from me, so I don’t know whether we are maintaining social distancing like they announce on the mic.I don’t have a choice but to come to work. I have no money in my pocket—I am running on loans from various places—and I am desperate. If I don’t come to work, then they can get rid of me or not pay me. Of course, I am worried about my life—even poor people worry about their lives."

— Parvez, Making clothes during COVID-19, Abanti Color Tex Ltd – May 2020

"I belonged to a poor family. We suffered from a financial struggle. That is why I started to work at a garment factory. I was perhaps 16, 17 years old back then. I worked from 8 am to 9 pm. At times it would get to 12 am too. There is no overtime pay for sweaters. But when there is pressure to work, it can get till 9 pm, 12 am and even 3 am. For 4 days a week, I worked until 12 am. For 3 days until 9 pm."

— Bindu, worked at a garment factory making sweaters for global brands. Her husband and their five-year-old daughter, Pakhi*, all live in one room, approximately 2.5 metres by 2.5 metres. She made an average of $217-$233 CAD a month, but sometimes as low as $47 CAD in a month during low seasons. She was fired for organizing a union at her factory.

"I really wish I could just give up this job. If only I had some money saved, I would leave in a heartbeat. I may be poor, but I value my life."

— Nanya, Making clothes during COVID-19, Youngone Hi-Tech Sportswear Industries Ltd.

"Just because we are poor, they can do anything with us and to us. But they don’t have to go work. They are safe in their big buildings which they made with our sweat. We are poor, we need the money, so we keep our mouth shut, and our head low."

— Aja, Making clothes during COVID-19 at Abanti ColourTex Limited, Narayanganj, Bangladesh – May 2020

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