Oxfam Canada’s 2022 Federal Budget Analysis

Graphic depicting two columns of coins. On our right side, the coin column is taller than the one on our left side. On top of the taller column stands a white man. On the lower coin column is a brown woman sitting down.

Women, gender diverse people and other equity-deserving groups have been hard hit by the COVID-19 recession, the increased cost of living, and the rise of violence, racism and hate in Canada. Hopes were running high for Federal Budget 2022 to help address these multiple crises, especially after Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland had demonstrated such strong…

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Inequality Kills

To our left is a picture of luxury super yachts parked in a marina of turquoise water against orange and yellow old buildings and hills of with trees and mansions. To our right is a portrait of a woman looking straight holding her sleeping baby against a desolate, desert background.

Inequality contributes to the death of at least one person every four seconds. Ahead of the Davos Agenda — the World Economic Forum’s virtual State of the World sessions — Oxfam released our annual inequality report, Inequality Kills. It found that inequality is contributing to the death of at least 21,000 people each day, or…

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