Video: Delivering safe water in Gaza

by oxfamcanada | September 5, 2014
Background media: water-delivery-in-gaza.png

Despite the ceasefire, there remain enormous humanitarian needs in Gaza. The bombing of the past seven weeks has caused massive damage to water supplies. Hundreds of thousands of people are still without running water, as wells and pipelines have been destroyed. The bombing of Gaza’s only power plant means most areas now get just a few hours of electricity a day, making it hard to keep water pumps operating.

Since the start of the crisis Oxfam and local partner the Youth Empowerment Center (YEC) have delivered safe drinking water to more than 250,000 people who have taken refuge in overcrowded schools and other shelters across Gaza.

This video, made by the EWASH coalition, depicts the work of a water truck driver, Ziyaad Mohamed Hamed, in Gaza. He has been driving trucks filled with clean drinking water for thousands of families who have fled their homes, in extremely difficult and dangerous conditions.

The Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group (EWASH) is a coalition of 27 local and international organizations – including Oxfam – working in the water and sanitation sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

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