Saying Goodbye to Bill Hynd – Oxfam’s Outreach Officer for the Atlantic Region

by oxfamcanada | March 14, 2014
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Photo: (l-r) Nicole Kieley, Oxfam Canada board member; Debbie Forward, President of the Newfoundland & Labrador Nurses' Union (NLNU); and Bill Hynd, Oxfam Canada. Bill is presenting a plaque recognizing NLNU’s contribution to supporting Typhoon Haiyan relief and reconstruction efforts in the Philippines, February 2014.

When he walked into the St. John's office one day in 1984, Bill Hynd never thought he'd find himself still working for Oxfam in 2014. But here we are, 30 years later, celebrating an amazing career that spanned three decades and touched many lives, both inside Oxfam and across the world.

“Over 30 years, Bill has brought his passion, insights, people skills and considerable wit to Oxfam in the service of ending poverty and injustice, contributing hugely to our activism, analysis, impact and influence," said Robert Fox, Oxfam Canada's Executive Director. "He has helped us raise awareness, fuel indignation, mobilize resources and change policy and attitudes and we have greatly benefited from his talent, dedication and friendship.”

Bill's last day as Oxfam Canada's Outreach Officer for the Atlantic Region was March 7th. However, while Oxfam Canada is closing its office in St. John’s, it will continue to work with MUN students, members of the Social Justice Cooperative, supporters and allies in Newfoundland and Labrador to end poverty and injustice at home and around the world.

In this article, Bill talks to the Independent's Elizabeth Whitten about current affairs, aid and Oxfam.
Click here to read the article about Bill.


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