Already donated to the Philippines typhoon appeal? Here are 5 other ways you can help

by oxfamcanada | November 14, 2013
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Background media: typhoon-haiyan-83065.jpg

The response we’ve had to the Philippines typhoon has been phenomenal so far, but we’ve also had a number of you get in touch asking if you can do anything else after donating.

Here are a few other ways you can help.

1. E-mail your friends and family

We put together a short fact sheet about the Philippines typhoon appeal. If you’ve got a spare 30 seconds, copy and paste the text from this document – and email it to 5 of your friends and family.

2. Spread the word on Facebook

Oxfam is putting up photos and info graphics about the emergency on Facebook – here’s one banner and here’s another. Log into Facebook before you click the links, and then hit SHARE.

3. If you’re on Twitter…

Follow @oxfamcanada on Twitter for all the latest on our emergency response work, including updates from Oxfam staff on the ground.

4. Put up a poster

We’ve made a few posters and graphics for the appeal. Put these up in your workplace kitchen or your window at home. You can also print out or pass along the links to our backgrounders:

  Philippines Typhoon Haiyan – Oxfam Donation Poster
Download and display
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan – Bucket Graphic
Download and display
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan – Emergency Kit Graphic
Download and display
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan – Labels
Download and display
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan – Fact Sheet
Download our one-pager
Philippines Typhoon Information Slideshow
What You Need to Know – How You Can Help

5. Fundraise in your community

Set a goal and build support in your community by fundraising among your friends and family. Use Oxfam’s personal fundraising pages to set up your appeal.

Thank you, once again, for everything that you do.



Philippines Typhoon Emergency Appeal

The Government of Canada has indicated that until December 9, 2013,
they will match every eligible dollar donated by individual Canadians to
registered Canadian charities, in response to the impact of Typhoon
Haiyan on the Philippines and other affected countries.



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