People’s Climate March around the world: Pictures from the biggest climate mobilisation ever

by oxfamcanada | September 26, 2014
Background media: winnie-byanyima-people-climate-march-ny.jpg

by Sarah Watson, Oxfam Great Britain

On Sunday the 21st of September 2014, just days before world leaders gathered for a UN summit on climate change, people around the world came together for the biggest ever mobilisation on climate.

More than 675,000 people at over 2800 events in 160 countries took to the streets to call for action on climate change and Oxfam supporters played a huge part.  Climate change is already making people hungry but you can keep the momentum from the Climate Marches going: join us as we demand action from governments and big business to stop climate change making people hungry.

Here are some of the best pictures from what we got up to around the world:

Auckland, New Zealand

In Auckland, New Zealand people braved the rain to call for change. (Photo: Oxfam NZ)

Beijing, China

Oxfam at Beijing Temple of Heaven

Oxfam staff members in China, at Beijing Temple of Heaven.

Brussels, Belgium

A clear message from Belgium - Climate March in Brussels (Photo Credit: Oxfam Solidarité - Solidariteit)

A clear message from Belgium (Photo: Oxfam Solidarité – Solidariteit)

Dar es Saalam, Tanzania

Eluka and Student Marchers walking down street for climate, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Eluka and Student Marchers, gathered for the People’s Climate March organised in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Dublin, Ireland

In Dublin, Irish people turned up for a People’s Climate Picnic - Sun Sept 21 (Photo Credit: Oxfam Ireland)

In Dublin, Ireland people turned up for a People’s Climate Picnic – Sun Sept 21 (Photo Credit: Oxfam Ireland)

London, UK

In London, 40,000 people marched on Westminster, the home of the British Parliament.

In London, 40,000 people marched on Westminster, the home of the British Parliament.

Melbourne, Australia

In Melbourne, Australia 30,000 people joined the Climate March (Photo Credit: Oxfam Australia)

People's Climate March in Melbourne, Australia

In Melbourne, 30,000 people joined the Climate March. (Photo: Oxfam Australia)

New York, USA

Winnie Byanyima, the Executive Director of Oxfam International, at the People's Climate March in New York with other supporters. Credit: Oxfam

Winnie Byanyima, the Executive Director of Oxfam International, at the People’s Climate March in New York with Angelique Kidjo, Amina J. Mohammed and thousands of supporters.

Angélique Kidjo, Mary Robinson, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Barbara Hendricks, Gro Harlem Brundtland and other supporters at the People's Climate March in New York, on Sept. 21, 2014. Credit: Kate Bryant/Oxfam

Angélique Kidjo, Mary Robinson, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Barbara Hendricks, Gro Harlem Brundtland and other supporters at the People’s Climate March in New York, on Sept. 21, 2014. Credit: Kate Bryant/Oxfam

400,000+ on the streets of New York, USA, for the People's Climate March, on September 21, 2014 (photo credit Avaaz)

More than 400,000 were on the streets of New York for the People’s Climate March. (photo: Avaaz)

The fantastic Oxfam Action Corps NYC volunteers lined up at the banner in New York making their voices heard (Kate Bryant/Oxfam)

The fantastic Oxfam Action Corps NYC volunteers lined up at the banner in New York making their voices heard (Kate Bryant/Oxfam)

Make some noise! At 1 pm Oxfam marchers get ready to shout out for climate action, at the People's Climate March in New York (photo credit: Oxfam)

Make some noise! At 1 pm, Oxfam marchers get ready to shout out for climate action, at the People’s Climate March in New York.

People's Climate March in New York

A call for Food and Climate Justice, by Oxfam supporters.

Peru Delegation to the People's Climate March in NYC

A delegation from Peru to the People’s Climate March in New York.

Paris, France

The Climate March in Paris, France stretched for 1.5 km (Photo Credit: KarlMathiesen)

The Climate March in Paris, France stretched for 1.5 km (Photo Credit: Karl Mathiesen)

Oxfam France supporters joined the Climate March in Paris. Sept 21. Credit Oxfam

Oxfam France supporters joined the Climate March in Paris.

Keep the momentum going!

And here (in New York again) is what it’s all about: we’re all fighting to tackle climate change, protect the food we love and end hunger.

A supporter at People's Climate March in New York

(Photo: Kate Bryant/Oxfam)


Sarah Watson is Oxfam Great Britain, Public Campaign Manager (Food & Climate)

This blog originally appeared at


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