Oxfam Canada Campus Groups Celebrate Another Successful Year!

by oxfamcanada | August 9, 2014
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by Jasmine Lum

Over the past school year, Oxfam Canada clubs on university and college campuses across Canada have once again been busy raising awareness and taking action on gender justice, poverty and humanitarian issues. Student leaders and other Oxfam volunteers have worked on a wide range of campaigns, including women’s rights, food security, and the crisis in Syria.

Hungry 4 Change?

2014 was a big year for Hunger Banquets. From coast to coast, individuals were invited to dine according to randomly assigned income levels and socioeconomic class. How do the different meal allocations reflect global inequality? Who are the different actors involved in the food chain? Is our food system sustainable? Why are the women being asked to eat last? These were just a few of the questions participants were challenged to reflect on.

Why do you #RememberHerRights?

In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, campus groups united behind Oxfam Canada’s national campaign to celebrate the accomplishments of women’s rights advocates around the world.

In Saskatoon, the Oxfam campus group set up a photo booth at two local community events and asked passersby to share why they support the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality. In Kingston, the Queen’s Oxfam group celebrated the work of inspirational women through a special card-making activity that reached students and professors alike. At Dalhousie, the Oxfam group hosted a Women’s Day Coffee House/Open-Mic event and treated guests to an enjoyable night of art, conversation and celebration!

UFV - Remember Her Rights

Oxtalks and Oxjams

On March 18th, Oxfam Acadia hosted their first ever Ox-talk and it was a smashing success! Close to 30 participants took part in a discussion on food security and the effects our food choices have both personally and globally. Breanna Young, Co-President, said, “Sarah Miller [other Co-President] and I are so proud of this event. I feel that it gave the club the motivation it needs to continue on to greater successes next year!”

In Ottawa, Oxfam at Carleton raised over $1000 in support of Oxfam’s humanitarian efforts in response to the crisis in Syria. A surprise appearance by Oxfam Canada’s Executive Director, Robert Fox, preceded an amazing line-up of talented local musicians. Afterwards, participants held a candlelight vigil at Parliament Hill in a show of support and solidarity for the victims of the ongoing crisis.

Carleton Oxjam - Ottawa

Syria candlelight vigil - Ottawa

Oxfam at the University of Calgary wins “Best New Club” at U of C!

Never underestimate the power of a small campus group. Oxfam at the University of Calgary has proven their ability to make a large impact, despite being one of the newest additions to the Oxfamily. The group was recognized by the Student Union as the Best New Club on campus after exuding excellence during their first year. After a successful first Hunger Banquet, Oxfam at the University of Calgary has no intention of slowing down!

Coming up next…

Campus groups are now preparing to participate in Oxfam Canada’s National CHANGE Summit, a four-day conference for leaders across the country. Happening this year from August 21-24 in Ottawa, CHANGE is an opportunity for campus group members to come together to learn about Oxfam’s campaigns and to develop the skills to take action to further Oxfam Canada’s mission. This will build momentum towards another incredible year of Youth and Campus Program activities!

Jasmine Lum is an Oxfam Canada volunteer and past Champions for Change leader.


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