Emma Langley

by oxfamcanada | April 17, 2013
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Volunteers are active in Oxfam's campaigns, organizing fundraising and raising awareness in their communities. Here are some Oxfam members who make a difference by volunteering.


"I am very grateful to have had the chance to be part of a group of passionate and dedicated students in the Oxfam at Memorial University (MUN) chapter for the past two years. I am inspired by what we have achieved working and learning together. I have learned so much and I have grown immensely as an activist for social justice.

"I particularly enjoyed organizing and leading a symposium on international development issues, attending the Atlantic Regional Youth CHANGE Summit, being a part of a national action to stop land grabs, and learning about Oxfam’s campaigns together with the members of Oxfam at MUN.

"I am drawn to Oxfam because of its focus on multiple interconnected issues with an emphasis on gender equality. I am inspired by Oxfam’s partnership approach; I think this aspect of Oxfam’s work distinguishes it as an organization."


Emma Langley, Atlantic Canada


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