Dana Lipnicki

by oxfamcanada | April 17, 2013
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Volunteers are active in Oxfam's campaigns, organizing fundraising and raising awareness in their communities. Here are some Oxfam members who make a difference by volunteering.


"In the past four years, I’ve had the most amazing opportunity to become involved on a local, regional and national level – planning events in my community, helping to facilitate my region’s annual youth Change conference, and helping to influence the organization’s structure as a member of the Membership and Volunteer Development Committee of the Board. These experiences have positively influenced my life, and I plan to continue my involvement with the organization moving forward.

"Oxfam’s focus on gender equality first attracted me to the organization. I also love that Oxfam supports partner organizations around the world, and works with them to find lasting solutions to poverty."


Dana Lipnicki, Maritimes


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