The Indian Ocean Tsunami – 10 Years On

by oxfamcanada | December 17, 2014

A new Oxfam report, The Indian Ocean Tsunami, 10 Years On, shows that the Tsunami was a pivotal moment for the international humanitarian sector. Many lessons were learned and the humanitarian system was strengthened as a result of the 2004 Tsunami. However, ten years on, significant challenges remain.

Using the case of the 2004 Tsunami – a rare example of a well-funded humanitarian emergency – this report looks at key lessons from the response and examines why some emergencies receive rapid, generous funding while others remain virtually ignored by the international community.

As humanitarian need increases, it is imperative that the global community continues to work towards adequate, needs-based funding, and strives to reduce the costs and human impacts of future humanitarian emergencies.


Oxfam Canada

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