Making It Happen: Oxfam’s proposals for the post-2015 framework

by oxfamcanada | June 17, 2014
Background media: making-it-happen-670px.png

In 2015 the world has a historic opportunity to set ambitious goals to end poverty and protect the planet. As the era of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) comes to an end, two major injustices continue to undermine the efforts of millions of people to escape poverty and hunger: inequality and climate change. The post-2015 framework that succeeds the MDGs must address these twin challenges through stand-alone goals to eradicate extreme economic inequality and to ensure climate-resilient and sustainable low-carbon development, as well as in targets throughout the framework that address both.

This paper puts forwards Oxfam’s proposals for what new goals and targets should be included and how they can be designed to bring about lasting change.

Key recommendations from the report:

Oxfam proposes that the following 11 goals be included in the new framework:

Building more equal societies
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme economic inequality
Goal 2: Eradicate extreme poverty
Goal 3: Achieve gender equality and realize women’s human rights
Goal 4: Ensure universal health coverage
Goal 5: Ensure universal, free, quality education and lifelong learning

Building resilience in a warming world
Goal 6: Ensure climate-resilient and sustainable low carbon development consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5oC
Goal 7: Eradicate hunger and ensure the right to food for all
Goal 8: Ensure universal and sustainable access to water and sanitation
Goal 9: Reduce global risks to sustainable development

Enabling the framework
Goal 10: Ensure political equality through inclusive governance
Goal 11: Financing the framework

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