Her Future, Her Choice (HFHC)

Development Project

Her Future, Her Choice (HFHC)

Strengthening young women's sexual and reproductive health and rights

The Situation

In areas of sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent birth rates are among the highest in the world.

Sexual and reproductive health is at the heart of the most important decisions that women and girls will make: if and when to marry, how long to stay in school and how many children to have.

Despite significant advances in preventing maternal and child mortality, the adolescent birth rate in sub-Saharan Africa is more than double the global average. The high rate of pregnancy in adolescent girls is compounded by a low demand for and use of contraceptives, as well as lack of education, family planning resources and decision-making power for women.

Gender inequality, social norms, traditional practices and taboos regarding sexuality negatively impact the health and status of adolescent girls and young women. There is currently a significant need for sexual and reproductive health and rights intervention in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.


Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Canada

5 years (2019-2023)

Read the program description in French (PDF).

This project is undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada, and the generous Canadian public.

New logo from government of Canada that reads, in partnership with Canada.

Watch Gilda's Story

Watch as young activists from Mozambique take the mic to raise awareness about sexual health.

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Issues at a Glance

In sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent birth rates are among the highest in the world, averaging 118 births per 1000 girls.
2 to 4 x
In Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia, HIV is 2 to 4 times higher in adolescent girls than boys.
1 in 5
In project countries, an average of 1 in 5 young women do not receive the family planning services they need.

What are we doing?


Training public health workers and working with girls, women and men to change negative attitudes about sexual and reproductive health and rights.


Building capacity for quality, youth friendly services, better referrals and access to sexual and reproductive health services and information in schools.


Supporting organizations in all project countries, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia, to strengthen capacity and advocate for change.

What do we hope to achieve?

Her Future, Her Choice responds to a direct need for information, services and social change. Together with local organizations, we are putting sexual and reproductive health decision-making back in the hands of young women and adolescent girls.

We are working to ensure young women have access to the vital health information and services they deserve, while training public health workers, changing negative attitudes on sexual and reproductive health and advocating for women’s bodily autonomy and rights.

When women and girls have meaningful decision-making power over their lives and their bodies, they thrive.

The ultimate outcome of Her Future, Her Choice is improved sexual and reproductive health and rights for adolescent girls and young women in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.

Contribute to the health and rights of young women in sub-Saharan Africa today.

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