Food and Sustainable Livelihoods

Food and Sustainable Livelihoods

Hunger is not inevitable. It is an issue of justice.

The Situation

The world produces more food today than at any time in history. Yet one in eight people go to bed hungry every night. In developing countries, the hungry are often farmers and mostly women.

Small-scale farmers often lack basic necessities such as access to fertile land, water, credit, knowledge, and extension services. Climate change and increasingly erratic weather patterns are compounding these problems, disrupting agriculture and food supplies, and making small-scale farming in many regions harder and more precarious.

Women, who grow much of the world's food, face some of the biggest hurdles of all. Women do not receive the same support as men farmers do. They have less access to land, loans and machinery. Many women work the land or are employed in informal, casual work, so when things go wrong, they are the first to lose their jobs and go without when household budgets shrink.

Malnutrition, disease, chronic rural poverty, and stunted economic development result when small farmers cannot earn decent livelihoods.

Emergency food and sustainable livelihood programming underpin many of our poverty-fighting development projects.


Where needed most

Varies between 1-3 years

Thanks to our Supporters: 
The Government of Canada and generous Canadian Donors

Government of Canada Logo

Why food and livelihoods?

of people living in poverty reside in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.
Women make up on average 43 percent of the agricultural labour in developing countries.
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Women farmers face the double burden of growing their families' food, and doing unpaid household chores and care work.

What are we doing?


Distribution of seeds, de-stocking or re-stocking of livestock, provision of animal care, to help support agricultural production.


Distribute cash or vouchers to stimulate the local economy, support access to long-term loan programs as well as business skills training.


Campaign against global trade rules that keep people trapped in poverty.

Farm to Table

Tomato tree project in Rwanda featuring Flonira.

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They used to have a garden where we planted sorghum and maize, but last year, army worms destroyed the crops. Now, we don't have crops, we don't have food, and my sons are struggling to find money. The goods in the market are so expensive and my sons can no longer afford them. These days, we rely mostly on wild grasses and weeds. We boil them and we eat them. It makes us sick, it gave us diarrhea and dysentery before, but what else can we do? We need to survive.

in her late 50s, she relies on her two sons to support her, South Sudan

Help people create sustainable livelihoods through the power of agriculture and food production.

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