Statement from Anthony Scoggins, Director of International Programs

July 25, 2014
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Statement from Anthony Scoggins, Director of International Programs for Oxfam Canada: 

Oxfam Canada is in the news today – on the radio, television and even trending on social media channels. This flurry of public and media interest has flowed from a request from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) for Oxfam to modify our "purpose as a charity" on papers filed to renew our non-profit status. 

First of all, I would like to thank all of our donors and supporters for the many messages and tweets of support for our organization and our mission. I would also like to clarify some confusion around the issue at hand.

First of all, let me reassure the public that Oxfam Canada continues to be a registered charity in full compliance with all laws and regulations. All eligible donations (including the many new ones that came in today) will receive the usual tax-deductible receipts. And those funds will continue to be applied to the important work that Oxfam does around the world. Indeed, earlier today we transferred $100,000 of donated funds to the Oxfam program in Syria where we continue to provide life-saving humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of refugees.  

Secondly, it is important to note that after receiving the request to modify our statement of objects, Oxfam Canada complied with that request. 

When it comes to the elimination of poverty, Oxfam believes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But the CRA legislation speaks only of “poverty relief” and we have adapted our objects as per the CRA interpretation.

Thirdly, a number of other Canadian NGOs have been notified that they are to undergo audits of their political activities. Despite the reports of some media sources, Oxfam is not one of those NGOs. Oxfam Canada reports fully on our political activities every year to CRA as required, and we believe we are in full compliance with the related rules and regulations.  

Oxfam’s vision for the future is one in which people together create a fair world, free of poverty and injustice. A fair world that respects the basic rights of all human beings to:

  •           earn a decent living to support themselves and their families
  •           enjoy basic education and health care
  •           get help in life-threatening disasters
  •           speak out for their rights
  •            be treated as equal

For more information on our work, visit our website at //

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