Bangladesh: Cyclone Roanu – Oxfam emergency teams at work
Bangladesh: Cyclone Roanu – Oxfam emergency teams at work
Oxfam is reaching communities in Bangladesh hit yesterday by Cyclone Roanu.
Oxfam’s local partners have already reached Chittagong, taking emergency life-saving kits and equipment. The agency is assessing the scale of the crisis and how best it can provide further help. More Oxfam aid workers are on stand-by as the situation develops.
Oxfam has enough contingency stock materials in country to reach up to 2000 families with hygiene kits and tarpaulin for temporary shelters.
Cyclone Roanu hit most of the coast of Bangladesh with gusts reaching between 62km/h and 88 km/h with very heavy rain. Flood defences were damaged and over run, villages are flooded, and many roads water logged. People have lost their homes, crops, stock and thousands have been evacuated to cyclone centers. According to the Bangladeshi Government, over 140,000 families have been affected so far.
For more information:
Serena Tramonti
Media Officer
Mobile: 07825780651
Tel.: 0161 234 2922