Is Canada on Track for a Feminist Green Recovery?

Oxfam Canada's annual Feminist Scorecard rates the government’s actions to advance a feminist green COVID-19 recovery. How do they stack up?

Scorecard Legend

A young light-skintoned child with short, dark hair, wearing a black t-shirt and olive green shorts sits at a small rectangular desk. On the desk is a piece of paper with the name Grayson marked on it along with drawings and doodles, along with several crayons of various shades. Crouched down next to the desk writing on the paper with the child is a medium-light skintoned middle-aged adult with dark, shoulder-length hair. She is wearing a pale pink hoodie and leggings.

Care Economy

Canada’s historic investment in a national childcare system was a huge step forward for women’s economic equality. Enshrining child care in legislation will ensure long-term commitments.

significant progress

A group of five early to middle-aged adults ofa various ages and skin tones are gathered around a table in a working environment. The focal point of the picture is a young dark-skinned woman in a black tank top and an orange blazer leans across the table pointing at a document.

Representation & Leadership

Women are playing powerful roles in cabinet, leading to a greater focus on inequality and other feminist priorities. However, the government can do more to support the feminist movement and strengthen its own intersectional approach.

significant progress

A crowd of feminine-presenting people of varying ages is gathered outdoors with homemade protest signs that say: Protect all workers, I believe you and Stop violence against women. On the bottom right of the image, there is a child of approximately 10 years old speaking on a bullhorn while visibly upset, face contorted and tears in her eyes.

Gender-based Violence & SRHR

The government made major investments to support women’s rights and 2SLGBTQ+ organizations fighting gender-based violence and promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights.

some progress

A close up of a woman's face


The government continued to provide critical income supports, but the most marginalized women and gender diverse people are falling deeper into poverty.

some progress

Help us hold Canada accountable and work toward equality. Stand with us and DEMAND MORE PROGRESS.

A medium-light skintoned woman with long dark hair and wearing a jean jacket, a shirt and a ribbon skirt stands on an outdoor stage in front of a microphone with Parliament Hill visible behind her. On the stage in front of her is greenery and orange flowers and behind her several medium-light skintoned people in medical masks and wearing orange hold flags from several Indigenous nations.

Rights of Indigenous Women

Many Indigenous women were disappointed by federal responses to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) and the continued social and economic inequities they experience.

some progress

An overhead view of an oil refinery from the sky. There is a network of buildings, industrial-sized vats and tall smokestacks emitting smoke and other pollution. In the distance, we see a river.

Climate Change & Extractives

Inequality is at the heart of the climate crisis. This year, Canada doubled its international climate finance and promised deeper emission cuts, but still fell short of doing its fair share.

some progress

A dark-skinned young woman in a long-sleeved shirt and long skirt iscrouches to tend to crops with a sleeping dark-skinned baby in a fabric baby sling on her back.

Global Development

Canada made bold investments in care work globally. To end the pandemic and reverse setbacks for women’s rights, Canada must now tackle global vaccine inequity and increase international aid.

some progress

An elderly light-skinned woman stands in the doorway of her family's light blue tent. The woman is wearing a long-sleeved ankle-length dark green patterned dress and a black headscarf. Behind her, the sky is clear and bright.

Conflict & Crisis

Canada has promised to resettle 40,000 Afghan refugees, but should urgently help those left behind. Canada should also do more to address global hunger and the wars that fuel it.

some progress

A dark-skinned woman with short, red hair wears a blue medical mask and a yellow and grey industrial vest as she packs boxes of food in an industrial setting.

Work & Pay Equity

Women-dominated sectors were hardest hit by the economic downturn. More federal action is needed to close gender gaps around employment equity, decent work and social protection.

some progress

A shiny and highly modern luxury yacht with a helicopter parked on its deck floats on the water at sunset.


Despite government promises to tax extreme wealth inequality and close loopholes, Canada’s tax rules continue to benefit the wealthy and help corporations avoid paying their fair share.

little progress

Read Oxfam’s Full Feminist 2022 Scorecard

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