Oxfam Canada scores actions the government is taking to advance women’s rights and gender equality at home and around the world. How do they stack up?

Scorecard Legend

A woman speaking in a megaphone with her fist raised

Representation & Leadership

The federal cabinet continues to be gender-balanced, and more women were elected to Parliament. The government strengthened its application of GBA+ and made historic investments in Canadian women’s rights organizations.

significant progress

A worker in a field

Global Development

Canada made groundbreaking investments this year in sexual and reproductive health and rights, and feminist and women’s rights organizations globally. Now the government needs to step up to achieve the UN aid target of 0.7% of gross national income.

significant progress

A run down apartment building against a blue sky


Important efforts were made to tackle poverty in Canada. Several historic pieces of legislation were passed on poverty reduction, housing and disability rights, which still require strategic investments and action.

significant progress

A close up of contraceptive pills

Gender-based Violence & SRHR

New resources were announced to develop a National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence and create new shelter spaces for women, but more work is needed to eliminate discrepancies in access to abortion, contraceptives and sexuality education.

some progress

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A small childs face as she lays her head on a woman's shoulder

Care Work

The government made incremental progress to address the child care crisis, but greater investments are needed in order to create a publicly managed national child care system.

some progress

A woman walks near the ruins of a building

Conflict & Crisis

Despite leadership on women, peace and security, and investing in gender-responsive humanitarian action, Canada has backtracked on commitments to refugees and still sells arms to Saudi Arabia, which fuel the war in neighbouring Yemen.

some progress

A woman with a bundle of sticks on her shoulder

Climate Change & Extractives

The government has yet to take the hard decisions to accelerate emissions reductions, end fossil fuel subsidies and contribute Canada’s fair share to international climate finance. Business-related human rights abuses will persist without an independent ombudsperson office with teeth and major reforms of EDC.

little progress

Four red dresses hanging on a clothesline

Rights of Indigenous Women

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls exposed the ongoing colonization, genocide and systemic discrimination against Indigenous women. With 231 Calls for Justice, now is the time for implementation and government action.

little progress

Someone typing into a calculator on a desk with papers on it


Despite incorporating gender-based analysis into the federal budget process, limited progress was made this year on closing tax loopholes and making wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share.

little progress

A close up of someone working at a sewing machine

Work & Pay Equity

The long-awaited federal Pay Equity Act is ready to come into force but faces delays. Canada must align with global standards on violence and harassment in the workplace, and address labour exploitation in global supply chains.

little progress

Read Oxfam’s Full Feminist 2020 Scorecard

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