Mary’s story, South Sudan

by oxfamcanada | March 5, 2015
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Make It Happen:
Stories From south sudan

Mary's story

“The first thing I share on the radio is the message of peace”
Mary Nyidur – Journalist, Radio presenter, Minkaman


Mary, South Sudan

“Life for women in South Sudan is very hard"

"We are trying to connect women to stay together and speak to each other.

If you want to become a good presenter, you have to speak to people in a good way; you have to make them laugh. Good information can bring togetherness – women, children and friends.

During the crisis in South Sudan, people were really affected in Bor, so they travelled to Minkaman.

My role as a presenter is to encourage people to come together in South Sudan.

One hand cannot clap, but two hands can. If the crisis stops in South Sudan, the country will prosper.

The first thing I share on the radio is the message of peace."


In Awerial County, water is pumped from the Nile River alongside the Minkaman settlement and is thoroughly treated before it is pumped to water points that serve over 38,000 people settled in the camp. Oxfam is also providing badly needed food aid to over 85,000 vulnerable people in Minkaman.


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