Manjot Bining

by oxfamcanada | April 17, 2013
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Volunteers are active in Oxfam's campaigns, organizing fundraising and raising awareness in their communities. Here are some Oxfam members who make a difference by volunteering.


"I first joined Oxfam as a member of my campus group in 2011 where I got the opportunity to attend my first National Youth CHANGE conference. I met so many incredible people – other students like myself – who wanted to talk about issues like sustainability and women’s rights and find innovative ways to bring those conversations to campuses. Needless to say, the experience was amazing and my involvement with Oxfam skyrocketed from there.

"I’ve since helped to plan two more Oxfam conferences (one regionally in Ontario and another nationally), and have organized and coordinated GROW campaign campus group actions. Campus groups have been steadily becoming more connected with one another and working in solidarity. It’s really exciting to see how youth are engaging with Oxfam in new ways and innovating how we work together. That’s definitely the one aspect of Oxfam I love most: the fact that each member has a voice and the ability to share it. Every CHANGE is coordinated by youth for other youth, as are many of our actions. There’s a lot of support for us to share our ideas and have a voice on what our role as Oxfammers is.

"I think it’s great that Oxfam not only makes informed decisions about their policy work and development but also creates spaces for their membership to inform and be informed about their role as advocates for what Oxfam works towards.

"Beyond being an avid member of the campus group community, I’m also the current Chair of Ontario’s Regional Steering Committee where I’ve had the chance to see what it’s like to be a part of Oxfam beyond youth programming. I’ve continued to meet a lot of great people who make up this organization and also support the values of open dialogue and innovative ideas to engage even more people. Moreover, there’s ample opportunity to expand my understanding of how Oxfam organizationally functions and how I, as a member, fit in.

"I suppose that’s the best part: Oxfam doesn’t feel like a huge international organization that I’m just volunteering for or donating to. Rather, it’s a community I am a part of, and that’s full of people I have conversations with. From other campus group members to board members to staff, we all work together and share our ideas to move Oxfam forward. So I’m not just a member of Oxfam; I’m an Oxfammer. And I really appreciate that Oxfam fosters that kind of connection amongst its membership."


Manjot Bining, Ontario


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