Daniel Namwira Nechi Oxfam Volunteer Wins Emerging Leaders Award

by oxfamcanada | April 14, 2015
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I was born and raised in Congo (D. R) until my family immigrated to Winnipeg.

Three years ago, I was introduced to Oxfam, when invited to participate in Oxfam Canada's National CHANGE Summit. An event which brings together dynamic, like-minded young people from across the country, determined to create change.









It was an incredible learning experience, like no other, and inspired me to get active, taking the information I’d learned about the important work Oxfam’s does around the world and here in Canada, to others.

I decided to organize a Hunger Banquet at the Universite de Saint-Boniface, and later when I enrolled in the genetics program at the University of Manitoba, I felt excited at the opportunity to bring my passion for social justice to another campus and started the Oxfam UofM Volunteer Group. Although the groups just started, we have 10 core team members, with a LONG list of people who support, help and attend our regular activities. Together we’ve hosted fundraisers, collected hundreds of petition signatures for Up for Debate and recently hosted a hugely successful Hunger Banquet that helped others really think about and experience the unfairness of global inequalities and inspire them to take action to right the wrong of poverty.

On March 11 I was informed that I had received the Manitoba Emerging Leaders Award. This award recognizes students who contribute to the social and economic well-being of communities on and off campus; encourage cross-cultural understanding and demonstrate sustained leadership skills.  

“Receiving this award is an honor and I am particularly proud that it was my involvement with Oxfam Canada and the Oxfam UofM Volunteer Group that helped make this award happen.”

One important observation I have made from my experience working for change is that getting people engaged in a social justice movement is not an easy task. That starting a movement is challenging and that you cannot succeed in creating the change we need if you try to work solo. I've realized that teamwork is a requirement and that when combining our knowledge, skills and work together in solidarity, that is when greater achievements are made.

Therefore I cannot take full credit for the Oxfam UofM Volunteer Group’s success. Everything we’ve accomplished has been the result of a well synchronized team effort by people who are passionate about constantly doing what we can, where we are, to create a better world.

To find out more about Oxfam Groups visit Oxfam.ca.

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